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Welcome to the ACURA 2023 Project Fair!

ACURA provides a yearlong collaboration between faculty and students so they can explore their interests through scientific experimentation, inquiry-based research, or creative works. Students earn credit for ACURA and participate in the annual research competition.

Its mission is to develop students who are critical thinkers and creative scholars by engagement in scientific experimentation, inquiry-based research, and exploration of the arts through a year long research experience within our community of teacher-scholars.

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Utilizing Films and TV Shows to Learn International Business


Best practices of mitigating educational Artificial Intelligence implicit bias in shaping diversity, inclusion, and equity


Effects of 4-thiazolidinone derivatives on the health and proliferation of cervical cancer cells


Quality of Life and Coping in Individuals With Chronic Illness


Cooking, Cleaning, and Contributions: Exploring Gendered Division of Labor in Thanksgiving Family Celebrations


Remote Work in PA: Distribution by student status, gender, industry, preferences and some consequences


Active LIDAR Assist Spatial Sensing for the Visually Impaired.


Analysis of Background Noise vs. Elevation of the 20-meter Telescope at the Green Bank Observatory


Attitudes toward Covid-19 among U.S. practitioners of Asian medicine


Changes in interracial contact is related to improved face memory for cross-race faces


Documenting Theresa: Preserving the Design of a Delaware Ducker


Decoding the Nature of Giant Micro-pulses from the Vela Pulsar


Exploring Computer Vision and Deep Learning with a Nvidia Jetson Robot


Enslavement to Sharecropping: Finding and marketing an independent identity for Stagville State Historic Site


Influences & Factors on Business Students Choice of Major at Penn State Abington


Long-term Impacts of Clergy Perpetuated Child Sexual Abuse on Victims


Black Men's Romantic Partner Preferences: Exploring How Race and Color Matter


Ascorbate has antiproliferative effects on gastrointestinal stromal tumor cells


Both intergroup contact and familiarity are related to cross-face memory: A longitudinal study


Reproductive Justice Narratives of People with Disabilities: Overturned and Overlooked


Human or animal? You be the judge: A racial bias in perceptions of humanness


Does stirring a solution heat or cool it? – A question thought up during a chemistry lab


Using Consumer-Grade Electronics to Measure Vibration of Rocket During Engine Test


Narrowing the Digital Divide: Examining the Sharing of VR Technology among International and Domestic Students


Examining Public Stigma Toward Substance Use


Observation of Giant Pulses from the Crab pulsar: Effects when the pulsar appears near the Sun


Chemistry of Wine


Using Augmented Reality to Design and Analyze Warehouses


Social Influences on Video Gaming Behaviors in College Aged Populations


Bringing accessibility and engagement to hybrid classrooms and workplaces


Extraordinary Stability of MoSe2 Under High Dose Gamma-Ray Irradiation for Nuclear and Space Applications